I can’t systemize God

I’ve been reading some new things and surfing a lot of Christian blogs because I have this blog and I figure I should try to fit into some kind of community. I have to admit something: I hate most of it. I’m honestly not proud of it, it is more of a confession. Half the […]

Speculation about Suffering

Taking ideas from the last post, there is another idea that formed for me. God, who creates universes with an utterance, who owns everything and if that isn’t enough can create more, and Jesus His son, who feeds 5000 with a few loaves and a word of thanks, had a key problem. How could He […]

God the Impoverished

“”Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” Matthew 13:45, 46, NASB. I got this idea from reading Peter Rollins’ little book ‘The Orthodox Heretic’. Once the merchant went and sold all […]

Justification Equation

I was listening to an excellent teaching by R.C. Sproul, and he came to a point where you can hear him cracking the chalk against the blackboard decisively with this equation: Faith + Works != Justification (‘!=’ is programmer shorthand for ‘not equal’) Faith = Justification + Works How the dust was flying! You can […]

John the Baptist and Jesus

“In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron.” Luke 1:5, NIV. Here we have a pretty obscure verse that shows us something very profound. John the Baptist is descended from the Levitical […]

Love is eternal because it does not depend on attributes

This is a response to an absolutely fascinating post by a guy named Peter Rollins. You can and should read his original post here:peterrollins.net/blog/?p=1231 It really got me thinking about some of the foundational aspects of grace and love, so I wanted to post my response on my own blog as a matter of record. […]

worshipping when you’re wounded

I decided to post my sermon notes for this message so I can get some comments back and new ideas from everyone. It is kind of a loose amalgam of blog post and brief speaking points, but I’m throwing it out there anyway because I’m out of time and I have to go to work. […]

homosexuals and gossips

This is a response to a list of ‘problem’ verses that seem to indicate that Paul doesn’t really mean it when he talks about grace. My friend Kim Dickson (who is a wonderful Christian woman, and with a beautiful spirit of free dialog and exploration for truth) posted this verse in the midst of a […]

Ann Rice’s anti-conversion

This is my reaction to one of the numerous articles about Ann Rice’s departure from the Catholic church. Read the article here: www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/drc/localnews/religion/stories/DRC_Mann_Column_0827.94e71a77.html I am so sorry to constantly stir up trouble. This is not an attack on Jim Mann, whom I know and respect. However, the tenor of this is typical of just about […]

The deeds of the flesh

In dialog with a friend, Kim Dickson, she did my work for me and brought up some passages that might seem to contradict grace. I am going to work through these one by one. However, before I do, I want to think through a bit of groundwork. First, as Christians, we believe the Bible. The […]