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real life
the dozens of living swansseem amazingly like the real onesI know from Disney from plastic and concrete in the old woman’s yard from childhood picture booksI had never seen a real swan aren’t they supposed to be in a lake don’t their necks form hearts? where is the music […]
moving mountains
photo © 2009 Steve Berardi | more info (via: Wylio) the desire came uninvited unreasonable untouchable by my own derision or the inevitable scorn of wife mother father friend boss and even Goda mountain that stands unmoved against wind against storm […]
orange twilight glows over the waters fir silouettes stretch across the horizon along the island mountains beyond beyond metaphorbeyond storybeyond discontent the shaded path meanders mile after milethe silent and persistent life of the forest moss and fern and woodtranscends scientific explanations the seeking […]
O and the ocean does churnand the mountains do standand the sun does shine across the waters And all the criticsfight the constant tideof trivia and envy and need The tiny child rests againstits mother’s quiet breastsafe and unknowinga part ofapart fromall the angry urgent majestic world.
winter poem
silent wild fury
descends from deep heights
quiet I stand
made of secrets
It was the awlthat blinded little Louisthat was usedto create the first braille. It was the everymanthe destroyer of sons and daughtersthe wounder and the woundedthe patient and the doctorthe blind leading the blind. I am the blind oneI am the maker of waysfor all of us unhealed.I tell rumors of light and colorand unseen […]
“Then He said, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”” Genesis 22:2, NKJV. Your son your only son whom you love: Take him tie him […]
Public discourse in a nation full of boneheads
Ossification occurs when soft tissue turns into bone. Sometimes this is good, as when an infant’s soft cartilage transforms into healthy normal bone as the child grows. Sometimes this is bad, as when spots in breast tissue calcify and can indicate cancer. Malicious ossification is a perfect metaphor for the current state of our national […]