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Liberate Conference 2012

Today I’m here in Ft. Lauderdale Fl, for the Liberate 2012 conference! Wonderful people in my church contributed money sacrificially to make this possible, and I am so grateful to all of them! I have high expectations and I’m praying to make some great friends and learn some great things to bring back home and […]

Is there an unforgivable sin?

The question was posed to me, what do you make of the verse in 1 John 5, that there is a sin that leads to death? Isn’t there sin that is unforgivable? What does this say about the grace message? In Hebrews 12 he talks about looking at things from the perspective of two mountains, […]

He overcomes when we hate grace

Jesus’ life is full of grace people didn’t want, for example, We have the story where Jesus was in a house teaching, and there was a huge crowd gathered. Some guys had a friend who was paralyzed, and they wanted to bring him to Jesus to see if He might heal him. They couldn’t get […]

Groundhog Day!

[yframe url=’’] Since today is Groundhog Day, we watched one of my favorite movies, Groundhog Day! What a perfect illustration this movie is of the freedom that complete eternal grace and life gives us, and how we are bound through many ways to misuse and abuse such freedom. In the beginning of the movie we […]

a fabulous poem

this is a fabulous poem, because: it’s not a poem. in His mercy it’s something God showed me i can’t do one thing right without praying because God must do it not i everything sits fine in balance, and too much juggling put its all at risk i’m only good enough at juggling to drop […]

Grace Rains Down vs. Grace Watered Down

If your understanding of grace doesn’t raise the Romans 6 question, “What?! Can we just sin? Does grace mean we can just do anything we want??” then you are not really catching Paul’s brand of grace. Someone on a forum posted this in response to a wonderful grace quote: I am a strong contender for […]

Gold from Martin Luther

Gal 1:4 Who gave Himself for our sins. He does not say, “Who received our works,” but, “who gave.” Gave what? Not gold, or silver, or paschal lambs, or an angel, but Himself. What for? Not for a crown, or a kingdom, or out goodness, but for our sins. These words are like so many […]

The Purpose-Driven Fruit Checker

So, in typical fashion with grace, and with the notion that “God gives to His beloved even in their sleep,” ( Ps 127:2 ) I woke up with another insight about the question from the last post. First, you should know that in our house, fruit-checking is a bit of a derogatory term. “You’re being […]